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Abstract Detail

Environmental Physiology

Van Oosten, Michael [1], Sharkhuu, Altanbadralt [2], Peer, Wendy Ann [2], Murphy, Angus S. [2], Hasegawa, Paul M. [2], Bressan, Ray A. [2].

The anthocyanin-impaired-response-1 (air1) mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana alters accumulation of anthocyanins and flavonoids specifically in response to salt stress.

The anthocyanin-impaired-response-1 (air-1) mutant in the sos3-1 background of Arabidopsis thaliana is deficient in the accumulation of anthocyanins in response to salt stress. One of the key phenotypes of the salt overly sensitive3-1 (sos3-1) mutant is its propensity to hyper accumulate anthocyanins when subjected to high levels of NaCl (120 mM). The anthocyanin-impaired-response-1 (air-1) mutant is unable to accumulate anthocyanins under salt stress. The air-1 mutant was discovered in a screen of second site suppressor mutants of the sos3-1 mutant. We are currently investigating air-1 and other mutants in order to understand the connection between regulation of anthocyanin accumulation and the salt stress response. The air-1 mutant shows a defect in anthocyanin (flavonoid) production, specifically in response to salt stress. When exposed to other stresses such as high light, low phosphorous, Paraquat, temperature or drought stress, it accumulates anthocyanins normally. This indicates that air-1 is involved in the regulation of anthocyanins in response to salt stress and not simply anthocyanin biosynthesis. TAIL PCR analysis of this mutant has revealed a T-DNA insertion of the promoter region of an  Arabidopsis thaliana gene encoding for a basic leucine zipper transcription factor. Although previous efforts have revealed that transcription factor is expressed in plants, no function has yet been attributed. We have performed a series of qRT-PCR analyses on the various genes in the anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway; leucoanthocyanidin synthase, leucoanthocyanidin dioxygenase, O-methyltransferase, rhamnosyl transferase, dihydroflavanol 4-reductase, and flavone 3-hydroxylase. This information, combined quantification of flavonoid and anthocyanins content of the mutant how air-1 acts in the regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis specifically in response to salt stress.

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1 - Purdue University, Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall Dr., West Lafayette, IN, 47907-2010, USA
2 - Purdue University, Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture

salt stress.

Presentation Type: Plant Biology Abstract
Session: P
Location: Exhibit Hall (Northeast, Southwest & Southeast)/Hilton
Date: Sunday, July 8th, 2007
Time: 8:00 AM
Number: P01022
Abstract ID:829

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