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Abstract Detail

Pollen Biology

Frank, Aubrey, C [1], von Besser, Kiera [2], Wong, Julian, L [1], Chaibang, Adisorn [1], Heyward, Keith [1], Preuss, Daphne [2], Johnson, Mark A [3].

Arabidopsis HAP2 (GCS1) is sperm-specific, required for pollen tube guidance, and essential for fertilization.

Double fertilization occurs after two sperm are delivered to the female gametophyte by a pollen tube; one sperm fuses with the egg to produce the embryo and the other fuses with the central cell to produce the endosperm. The molecules responsible for gamete interaction and initiation of seed production are unknown. We identified the Arabidopsis hap2 mutant in a genetic screen for pollen-expressed genes that are critical for pollen development and function. hap2 mutant sperm are delivered to the female gametophyte by hap2 pollen tubes, but they are unable to fertilize either the egg or the central cell. Analysis of the hap2 mutant and the HAP2 gene offer a unique opportunity to gain insight into the molecules that mediate fertilization in angiosperms. HAP2 is a novel transmembrane protein that is likely conserved among all plants. We will discuss experiments designed to test the hypothesis that HAP2 interacts with proteins expressed by the egg and central cell and that these interactions are directly involved in fertilization.

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1 - Brown University, Depatment of Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, and Biochemistry
2 - The University of Chicago, Department of Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology
3 - Brown University, Depatment of Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, and Biochemistry, 185 Olive St. Box G-L160, Box G-L160, Providence, RI, 02912, United States

pollen tube guidance
double fertilization
membrane fusion

Presentation Type: ASPB Minisymposium
Session: M12
Location: Waldorf Room/Hilton
Date: Monday, July 9th, 2007
Time: 8:55 AM
Number: M12002
Abstract ID:654

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