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Abstract Detail

Growth and Vegetative Development

De Franceschi, Filippo [1], Dal Cin, Valeriano [2], Barbaro, Enrico [3], Velasco, Riccardo [3], Ramina, Angelo [2], Patterson, Sara E. [4].

Identification of genes involved in apple fruitlets shedding: application to Arabidopsis.

Fruitlet shedding is preceeded by the stimulation of ethylene biosynthesis and a gain in sensitivity to the hormone. Abscission was studied in immature apple fruits (cv. Golden Delicious) during the physiological drop. Experiments were performed on abscising fruitlet (AF) and non-abscising fruitlet (NAF) populations. AFs were obtained from lateral fruitlets of trees sprayed with benzylaminopurine (BA) at 200 ppm, 17 days after petal fall (APF) with a fruit cross diameter of about 10-12 mm. NAFs were obtained from central flowers grown in clusters where all the lateral flowers had been removed at bloom.
cDNA-AFLP with 53 primers combinations was used to identify putative genes differentially induced by ethylene and involved in abscission and senescence processes. 169, 70 and 39 differentially expressed sequences were isolated from cortex, peduncle and seeds, respectively. All sequences were then classified as up- or down-regulated in relation to abscission; according to BLASTX. 85% of these sequences showed significant homology with known genes, 8% were unknown and 7% showed no homology. All clones were classified according to the Gene Ontology (http://www.geneontology.org) criteria by cellular component, process and function. Expression analysis of genes putatively involved in signal trasduction and sugar metabolism were carried out by semiquantitative RT-PCR on agarose gel. Preliminary results showed an interesting differential expression of several genes. It will be possible to find out other abscission-related genes and to use them as molecular markers to develop a diagnostic chip to understand efficacy of thinning treatments.
We are surveying many of these candidate genes in Arabidopsis and will also report on this.

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1 - University of Padova, Environmental Agronomy and Crop Science, Viale dell'Universitą, 16, Agripolis - Legnaro, Padova, 35020, Italy
2 - University of Padova, Environmental Agronomy and Crop Science
3 - Experimental Institute for Agriculture, San Michele all'Adige
4 - University of Wisconsin-Madison, Horticulture

Malus domestica.

Presentation Type: Plant Biology Abstract
Session: P
Location: Exhibit Hall (Northeast, Southwest & Southeast)/Hilton
Date: Sunday, July 8th, 2007
Time: 8:00 AM
Number: P26018
Abstract ID:486

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