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Unable to connect to database - 17:26:40 Unable to connect to database - 17:26:40 SQL Statement is null or not a SELECT - 17:26:40

Abstract Detail

Supporting Effective Teaching and Learning

Kirchoff, Bruce K. [1].

Image Quiz: Teaching plant identification based on insights from cognitive psychology.

Image Quiz is a cross-platform computer program designed to efficiently teach plant identification. It does this by helping users become visual experts in species recognition. Unlike novices, experts are able to quickly recognize patterns. This allows chess masters to recognize chess configurations, and botanists to identify species from a glimpse out the window of a moving vehicle. Image Quiz helps students rapidly achieve this mastery by adapting techniques from cognitive psychology to the task of species recognition. It is designed to promote holistic processing, the visual processing mode used by experts.

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1 - University of North Carolina Greensboro, Department of Biology, Po Box 26170, Greensboro, North Carolina, 27402-6170, USA

none specified

Presentation Type: Workshop
Session: W07
Location: Lake Huron/Hilton
Date: Sunday, July 8th, 2007
Time: 8:30 AM
Number: W07001
Abstract ID:2513

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