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Abstract Detail

Growth and Vegetative Development

Bergmann, Dominique [1], Dong, Juan [2], Lampard, Gregory [2], Liu, Tie [2], MacAlister, Cora [2].

Accentuate the positive: interactions between opposing regulators control stomatal pattern in Arabidopsis.

Stomata are epidermal pores that regulate gas exchange. The overall stomatal density and pattern on the plant surface reflects the integration of signals at the developmental and environmental levels. We have identified both positive and negative regulators of stomatal development in Arabidopsis including, most recently, a set of three related bHLH transcription factors that regulate the cell divisions associated with establishing, maintaining and terminating the stomatal lineage 1, 2. We are now defining how these genes control the various phases of stomatal development by identifying their targets and partners and testing whether the positive-acting bHLHs interact with the negative regulatory circuit previously defined by receptor-like proteins and a MAPK cascade. We will present further details on the regulatory relationships among the stomatal genes by focusing on the expression of and targets of the bHLH protein involved in driving the asymmetric divisions that establish stomatal precursors (SPEECHLESS) and the bHLH required for terminal differentiation (FAMA). We will also report progress on using newly-developed tools to modulate cell signaling in specific precursor cell types during stomatal development and to isolate these cells for future transcriptional profiling experiments.
1. MacAlister, C. A., Ohashi-Ito, K. & Bergmann, D. C. Transcription factor control of asymmetric cell divisions that establish the stomatal lineage. Nature 445, 537-540 (2007).
2. Ohashi-Ito, K. & Bergmann, D. Arabidopsis FAMA Controls the Final Proliferation/Differentiation Switch during Stomatal Development. Plant Cell 18, 2493-2505 (2006).

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Related Links:
Bergmann Lab website

1 - Stanford University, Biological Sciences, 371 Serra Mall, Stanford, CA, 94305-5020, USA
2 - Stanford University, Biological Sciences

bHLH transcription factor
asymmetric cell division
guard cell
cell-cell signaling.

Presentation Type: Plant Biology Abstract
Session: P
Location: Exhibit Hall (Northeast, Southwest & Southeast)/Hilton
Date: Sunday, July 8th, 2007
Time: 8:00 AM
Number: P26010
Abstract ID:236

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