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Abstract Detail

Cell-to-Cell and Long Distance Signaling

Durbak, Amanda [1], Hsiao, Erica [2], Tax, Frans [3].

Characterization of fruit organ number and patterning in Arabidopsis.

While the fruit of a flowering plant plays an essential role in species propagation by housing developing seeds and aiding in their dispersal, the mechanisms that underlie intercellular signaling in the regulation of fruit organ number remain unknown. Studies in tomato have shown that increase in both carpel number and cell division are responsible for larger fruit, but the molecular mechanism through which these two components are integrated and contribute to overall patterning and size is still not clear. While some mutants with organ number defects such as the clavata (clv) mutants have been identified in Arabidopsis, a mechanism for the generation of extra organs has not yet been elucidated. In order to identify new mutants that have fruit patterning defects, we have implemented an EMS mutagenesis screen to look for plants that produce siliques with extra valves and margins. From this screen we have identified one new clv1 and one new clv2 allele as well as two mutants that map to regions in the genome that are not known to contain genes involved in fruit patterning. Phenotypic characterization of the extra organ phenotype in the newly identified clv1 allele and in previously identified clv1 alleles is being performed to determine the steps involved in fruit organ number patterning. Furthermore, cell-type specific markers are being used to analyze changes in morphology, specification, and cell proliferation in mutant fruit. These studies will help to determine the key differentiation events responsible for fruit patterning.

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1 - University of Arizona, Plant Sciences, 1140 E. South Campus Dr. P.O.Box 210036, Forbes Building, Room 303, Tucson, AZ, 85721-0036, USA
2 - University of Arizona, Molecular and Cellular Biology
3 - University of Arizona, Molecular and Cellular Biology and Plant Sciences

Fruit development

Presentation Type: Plant Biology Abstract
Session: P
Location: Exhibit Hall (Northeast, Southwest & Southeast)/Hilton
Date: Sunday, July 8th, 2007
Time: 8:00 AM
Number: P34016
Abstract ID:2112

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