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Abstract Detail

Growth and Vegetative Development

Lin, Wan-ching [1], Wu, Gang [2], Huang, Tengbo [3], Kerstetter, Randall A. [3], Poethig, R. Scott [2], Springer, Patricia S. [4].

Interactions between ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 and KANADI regulate the balance between adaxial and abaxial fate.

In seed plants, organ primordia arise from the shoot apical meristem and develop adaxial-abaxial asymmetry, which is important for both structural and physiological functions. The KANADI (KAN) and YABBY (YAB) genes are expressed in abaxial domains of young organ primordia and encode transcription factors that function to promote abaxial identity. In contrast, PHABULOSA (PHB) and ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 (AS2) play a role in adaxial fate specification and their expression is restricted to adaxial domains. KAN expression is needed for maintenance of YAB gene expression, while KAN and PHB have an antagonistic relationship to balance adaxial-abaxial development. Previous studies showed that mis-expression of AS2 throughout organ primordia mimicked the kan loss-of-function phenotype, suggesting a possible antagonistic relationship between AS2 and KAN in the process of polarity establishment. We will describe recent results characterizing a regulatory network between AS2 and KAN in adaxial-abaxial polarity formation.

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1 - University of California, Riverside, Department of Botany and Plant Sciences and Center for Plant Cell Biology, 900 University Avenue, Riverside, CA, 92507, USA
2 - University of Pennsylvania, Department of Biology
3 - The Waksman Institute of Microbiology, Rutgers University, Department of Plant Biology & Pathology
4 - University of California, Riverside, Department of Botany and Plant Sciences and Center for Plant Cell Biology, 900 University Avenue, Riverside, CA, 92507, USA


Presentation Type: Plant Biology Abstract
Session: P
Location: Exhibit Hall (Northeast, Southwest & Southeast)/Hilton
Date: Sunday, July 8th, 2007
Time: 8:00 AM
Number: P26054
Abstract ID:1882

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