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Abstract Detail


Whippo, Craig W. [1], DeSloover, Daniel [2], Davis, Phillip A. [2], Hangarter, Roger [3].

Characterization of Arabidopsis Chloroplast Movement Mutants.

Chloroplast movement presumably helps plants cope with the stress of a constantly changing light environment. Low-intensity blue light induces chloroplast movement towards the cell walls perpendicular to the incident light and is predicted to improve light interception for photosynthesis. High-intensity blue light causes chloroplast to migrate towards the cell walls parallel to the light, which is postulated to decrease photodamage. In a previously described mutant screen, DeBlasio et al. (2005) isolated several plastid movement impaired (pmi ) mutant lines. We also observe chloroplast movement defects in previously characterized stress-associated-signaling mutants. Consistent with the idea that stress signaling and chloroplast movement share common signaling components, several of the pmi mutant lines show altered stress-associated phenotypes. Further analysis and mapping the pmi mutants will be reported. We will also present a detailed kinetic analysis of the chloroplast movement of numerous Arabidopsis ecotypes. Although some natural variation in chloroplast movement was found across ecotypes, most natural accessions respond similarly to the commonly used laboratory strains.

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1 - Indiana University, Biology, 915 E Third Street, Myers Hall 330, Bloomington, IN, 47405, USA
2 - Indiana University, Biology
3 - Indiana University, Bloomington

Chloroplast movement
pleiotropic mutant

Presentation Type: Plant Biology Abstract
Session: P
Location: Exhibit Hall (Northeast, Southwest & Southeast)/Hilton
Date: Sunday, July 8th, 2007
Time: 8:00 AM
Number: P32010
Abstract ID:1661

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