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Abstract Detail

Plant biotech & Risk Assessment

Hong, Chwan-Yang [1], Liu, Li-Fei [2], Yu, Su-May [3].

Modified rice GluB-1 promoter for high-level foreign gene expression in transgenic rice.

Rice is one of the most important food crops in the world. Promoters specifically activated in rice seeds are useful for molecular breeding of rice for improvement of rice grain quality or for production of recombinant proteins. Glutelin is the most abundant storage protein in rice seeds. A 1.3-kb GluB-1 promoter derived from a glutelin gene is commonly used for foreign gene expression in transgenic rice seeds; however, generally its activity is not strong enough to direct high level foreign gene expression. To enhance GluB-1 promoter activity, we modified the cis-acting elements and sequences flanking these elements in the GluB-1 promoter. We show that the presence of a tandemly repeated TA box and modification of sequences flanking the TA box and a G box has significantly enhanced the GluB-1 promoter activity in transformed rice cell cultures and transgenic rice seeds. The modified GluB-1 promoter would be very useful for directing foreign gene expression in transformed rice cell cultures and transgenic rice seeds.

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1 - National Taiwan University, Department of Agricultural Chemistry, 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, 106, Taiwan
2 - National Taiwan University, Department of Agronomy
3 - Academia Sinica, Institute of Molecular Biology

Modified GluB1 promoter
Transgenic rice
TA box.

Presentation Type: Plant Biology Abstract
Session: P
Location: Exhibit Hall (Northeast, Southwest & Southeast)/Hilton
Date: Sunday, July 8th, 2007
Time: 8:00 AM
Number: P45019
Abstract ID:1345

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