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Abstract Detail

Growth and Vegetative Development

Lee, Young Koung [1], Kim, Gyung-Tae [2], Park, Jeongmoo [3], Kim, In-Jung [4], Choi, Giltsu [3], Chung, Won-Il [3].

LONGIFOLIAs regulate longitudinal cell elongation in Arabidopsis.

By screening of Arabidopsis activation tagging lines, we identified a dominant mutant that we designated longifolia1-1D (lng1-1D). The lng1-1D plants were characterized by long petioles, narrow but extremely long leaf blades with serrated margins, elongated floral organs, and elongated siliques. The elongated leaves of the mutant were due to increased polar cell elongation rather than increased cell proliferation. Molecular characterization revealed that this phenotype was caused by overexpression of the novel gene, LNG1, which was found to have a homolog, LNG2, in Arabidopsis. To further examine the role of LNGs, we characterized lng1,lng2, lng3 and lng4 loss-of-function mutant lines. In contrast to the elongated leaves of lng1-1D plants, the lng1 and lng2 mutants showed slightly decreased leaf length. Furthermore, the lng1-3 lng2-1double mutant showed further decreased leaf length associated with less longitudinal polar cell elongation. The leaf widths in lng1-3 lng2-1 mutant plants were similar to those in wild type, implying that the role of LNG1 and LNG2 on polar cell elongation is similar to that of ROT3.However, analysis of a lng1-3 lng2-1 rot3-1 triple mutant and a lng1-1D rot3-1 double mutant indicated that LNG1 and LNG2 promote longitudinalcell elongation independent of ROT3. Taken together, these findings indicate that LNG1and LNG2are new components that regulate leaf morphology by positively promoting longitudinal polar cell elongation independent of ROT3 in Arabidopsis.

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1 - KAIST, Department of Biological Sciences, U-sung Gu, Gu-sung Dong, Dae-jeon, 305-701, Republic of Korea
2 - Do-A uni., Division of Molecular Biotechnology
3 - KAIST, Department of Biological Sciences
4 - Cheju National University, Faculty of Biotechnology, College of Applied Life Sciences

cell expansion.

Presentation Type: Plant Biology Abstract
Session: P
Location: Exhibit Hall (Northeast, Southwest & Southeast)/Hilton
Date: Sunday, July 8th, 2007
Time: 8:00 AM
Number: P26045
Abstract ID:1318

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