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Abstract Detail

Cell-to-Cell and Long Distance Signaling

Guelette, Brandon S [1], Benning, Urs F [2], Chamberlin, Beverly [1], Hoffmann-Benning, Susanne [1].

Indications of lipid signaling pathways in the phloem exudate of Arabidopsis thaliana and Perilla ocymoides.

The view of the phloem function has evolved from that of a simple assimilate transport to a trafficking system for pathogen response and developmental regulators. It is crucial for the transport of mineral nutrients, plant viruses, virus-induced silencing, defense and resistance against pathogen infection, and signaling of environmental conditions. The phloem contains a multitude of compounds: small molecules, peptides and proteins, nucleic acids, and possibly lipids. Analysis of proteins by LC-ESI-MS indicates the presence of components of lipid metabolism, transport, and signaling systems in the phloem. In addition, analysis of metabolites (by TLC and GC-MS) in the phloem exudate showed that there are indeed lipids and fatty acid present. They display a different pattern when compared to leaf-extract lipids and also show an unusual distribution of fatty acids. We have started to identify these unusual lipids present in the phloem exudate. The role of lipid-related proteins and lipids for plant development will be further examined. This work is supported in part by MSU-Intramural grant # 05-IRGP-313.

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1 - Michigan State University, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
2 - East Lansing High School, East Lansing, MI, 48823, USA

phloem transport

Presentation Type: Plant Biology Abstract
Session: P
Location: Exhibit Hall (Northeast, Southwest & Southeast)/Hilton
Date: Sunday, July 8th, 2007
Time: 8:00 AM
Number: P34013
Abstract ID:1230

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