Keyword Browse

For Borrowed Chloroplasts: Secondary Endosymbiosis and the Chromalveolates

Select the Keywords to browse their abstracts. Select as many as you like.

algae (1 Abstract)
apicomplexan (1 Abstract)
Brown algae (1 Abstract)
chromalveolate (1 Abstract)
chromalveolates (1 Abstract)
Comparative Genomics (1 Abstract)
complex plastid (1 Abstract)
Cryptomonads (2 Abstracts)
cyanophora (1 Abstract)
diatom (1 Abstract)
diatoms (1 Abstract)
Dinoflagellates (1 Abstract)
endosymbiosis (3 Abstracts)
ERAD (1 Abstract)
EST (1 Abstract)
evolution (1 Abstract)
genome (1 Abstract)
genomics (3 Abstracts)
Hemiselmis (1 Abstract)
heterokont (2 Abstracts)
horizontal gene transfer (1 Abstract)
nucleomorph (1 Abstract)
oomycete (1 Abstract)
periplastidial compartment (1 Abstract)
PhIGs (1 Abstract)
Phycoerythrin (1 Abstract)
phylogenomics (2 Abstracts)
Pseudo-nitzschia (1 Abstract)
TAT (1 Abstract)
Thalassiosira (1 Abstract)

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