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Abstract Detail

Population Genetics

King, Matthew [1], Roalson, Eric [1].

Coalescent analyses suggest a mid-Pleistocene divergence of major clades within the Carex macrocephala species complex.

Maximum likelihood phylogenetic analyses suggest a complex evolutionary history of the Carex macrocephala species complex, which includes two species, C. macrocephala and C. kobomugi. Analyses suggest C. kobomugi is derived from within C. macrocephala, C. macrocephala originated in Asia, and the North American populations of C. macrocephala are more closely related to C. kobomugi than Asian C. macrocephala. As a result of these findings we further investigated the evolutionary history of these phylogenetic groups including dating the divergence of the populations using coalescent analyses and tests for potential gene flow between these macropopulations. We carried out exhaustive pair-wise comparisons using IM and MESQUITE to obtain confidence intervals around all of our parameters including time since divergence, migration rate between each population, fluctuations in population size, and the effects of the variation of these parameters on the coalescent variance. These studies indicate a mid-Pleistocene divergence of the Asian C. macrocephala and North American C. macrocephala populations, and a more recent divergence of C. kobomugi from C. macrocephala. This suggests that C. macrocephala has been present in North America since before the last glacial maximum, and that gene flow between North America and Asia is not statistically significant from zero.

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1 - Washington State University, School of Biological Sciences, Po Box 644236, Pullman, Washington, 99164-4236, USA

Coalescent variance
divergence time

Presentation Type: Poster:Posters for Topics
Session: P
Location: Exhibit Hall (Northeast, Southwest & Southeast)/Hilton
Date: Sunday, July 8th, 2007
Time: 8:00 AM
Number: P76011
Abstract ID:2245

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