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Abstract Detail

Reproductive Development

Sano, Cecile [1], Hubler, Merla [2], Bohn, Martin [3], Jacobs, Thomas [2].

Genetic of Inflorescence Replacement in Arabidopsis.

Animals ultimately obtain all their energy from plants. Herbivory therefore imposes a selection pressure on every plant species. When the primary inflorescence of an angiosperm such as Arabidopsis is removed or damaged by a browsing herbivore, axillary meristems replace it by enlarging into axillary buds and then elongating into axillary inflorescences. We have adopted a quantitative genetic approach to understanding the genetic basis (and its phenotypic variation) for the Inflorescence Replacement Program (IRP) of Arabidopsis thaliana. We have scored responses to apex removal within a geographically diverse collection of 85 Arabidopsis accessions in terms of ten quantitative traits categorized as “life history” or “IRP response” characters. Significant and varying levels of species-wide phenotypic dispersion were observed within the various traits. Several pairs of traits are highly correlated, with interesting outlying accessions identifiable in many cases. ANOVA revealed high heritabilities for all traits. Cluster analysis grouped the accessions into eight phenotypic clusters. Because extensive sequence data are available from most of these accessions, we can perform association mapping of genes responsible for quantitative variation in the measured characters. Progress in this effort will be reported. To further the genetic analysis of the Arabidopsis IRP, we have selected a set of 12 accessions that represent all clusters (one or two per cluster) for intercrossing in a partial diallel design of 66 crosses. A sample of the F1 progeny is being phenotyped for IRP traits and genotyped with microsatellite markers to confirm their hybridity. Phenotypic analyses of F2 and F3 families will provide data for high-resolution QTL mapping of IRP response loci.

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1 - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Plant Biology, 190 Edward and Madigan Laboratory, 1201 West Gregory, Urbana, IL, 61801, USA
2 - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Plant Biology
3 - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Crop Sciences

apical dominance
Natural variation
Inflorescence development
quantitative genetics
association mapping.

Presentation Type: Plant Biology Abstract
Session: P
Location: Exhibit Hall (Northeast, Southwest & Southeast)/Hilton
Date: Sunday, July 8th, 2007
Time: 8:00 AM
Number: P28046
Abstract ID:1749

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