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Abstract Detail

Systematics Section / ASPT

Lee, Namsook [1], Lee, Changshook [1].

Molecular evidence for interspecific hybridization of the section Cypripedium of genus Cypripedium (Orchidaceae).

The genus Cypripedium (Orchidaceae) is comprised of 9 sections and 48 species of terrestrial orchids that grow primarily in colder climates of the Northern Hemisphere. It is known that interspecific hybridization is common within the genus. Recently, five putative hybrids within the section Cypripedium were reported from Korea based on morphological characters: C. agnicapitatum, C. roseum, C. calceolus x C. macranthum for. albiflorum, C. morianthum x C. macranthum for. albiflorum, and C. calceolus x C. macranthum (= C. x ventricosum). To verify the taxonomic identities of interspecific natural hybrids, ITS sequences of nrDNA, and the matK and trnL-trnF regions of cpDNA were analyzed in nine taxa of section Cypripedium. For the ITS regions, C. calceolus has one marker gene, and C. macranthum has three species-specific marker genes. While, all five hybrids showed nine polymorphic sites and it appears that these are hybrids between C. calceolus and C. macranthum. In the noncoding cpDNA sequences, C. roseum and C. x ventricosum (A) and C. calceolus share 16 substitutions, 9 insertions and 74 deletions, while C. agnicapitatum, C. x ventricosum (B), C. calceolus x C. macranthum for. albiflorum, and C. morianthum x C. macranthum for. albiflorum share 16 substitutions, 74 insertions and 9 deletions with C. macranthum. These molecular data suggest that the maternal parent of C. roseum and C. x ventricosum (A) is C. calceolus, and of the other three hybrids, C. agnicapitatum,C. x ventricosum (B), C. calceolus x C. macranthum for. albiflorum, and C. morianthum x C. macranthum for. albiflorum, is C. macranthum. These molecular data support the taxonomic identities of the interspecific hybrids that were described by morphological characters.

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1 - Ewha Womans Univesrsity, Division of Eco-Science, 11-1 Daehyun-dong, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, 120-750, Korea

section Cypripedium
natural hybrids
molecular evidence.

Presentation Type: Poster:Posters for Sections
Session: P
Location: Exhibit Hall (Northeast, Southwest & Southeast)/Hilton
Date: Sunday, July 8th, 2007
Time: 8:00 AM
Number: P59069
Abstract ID:1594

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